
Colloquium Assignments - Presentations

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Final Presentation:

The final presentation is to be a creative expression of work that combines all the course outcomes and experiences into a brief (5-7 minute) presentation that shows how the course has helped you meet the student learning outcomes.Each person should present as an individual unless prior approval has been given for group presentations. The presentation should include a description of the service-learning activity you performed and how it specifically helped you meet the student learning outcomes (If your service-learning was a project rather than simply completing hours, then you can use this final presentation to highlight that activity, being sure that you address the course student learning outcomes in the presentation and how the project relates to your major).

Spring 2013:

Irma Lopezmurrilo Food gardening and recyling project with family

Alexandra Gonzalez, Chelsea McNeely & Catherine Scudlo Coastal Village Recycling Journey

Jazmin Williams & Erica Angel FYRE Service Learning

Kaila Browe & Kayley Clay Implementation of Recycling at the Lani Kai!

(Campus Field trip make-up by Matt Griffin)

Summer 2012

Fall, 2012

Spring, 2011

Summer 2010 resources

Summer 2008 student presentations, current issues, etc

Summer 2007 student presentations

Some of my favorite student presentations:

Summer 2010 Group 'Waitin' on the world to change at FGCU'

Recycle for Kids, By Kids a video produced with the Children's Theatre by Rachel Carden Summer 2007

A video for appreciating sense of place- through the University Colloquium lens- a view of  Miami-Dade County by Carlos Calante Summer 2007


  The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the author and in no way represent those of FGCU or the FGCU board of trustees
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